3, 6th Floor, Scope Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110003 No:7/2(4)/2000-CERC 29th February, 2000 Sub:
norms for Thermal Generation Tariff 1.
public notice was published inviting
objections and/or comments and suggestions on the draft notification
prepared by the CEA on the revised operational norms for Thermal
Generation Tariff, being considered by the Commission for finalisation. The interested persons/ organisations were requested to file
their submissions in the manner prescribed in Chapter II of the CERC
(Conduct of Business) Regulations 1998 latest by 2nd February,
2000. 2.
The Commission has now decided to extend the time limit for filing
of such objections/ comments up to 15.3.2000. Meanwhile, a supplementary
document has been received from the CEA and a copy of the same can be
collected from the office of the Commission from 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
on any working day. It can
also be downloaded from the website of the Commission at http://www.cercind.org.
The objections/comments may be filed keeping in view the supplementary
document also. 3.
Those who are desirous of being heard in person may indicate so
specifically, while filing their objections/comments.
The hearings will be held on 3rd, 4th
& 5th April, 2000 at 10.30 a.m. daily, in the office
of the Commission at the above address. By
orders of the Commission (Sanjeev S.
Ahluwalia) |
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