
Archives 2010

Consultation Paper on Framework for intervention in short term market dated 06-01-2010
Consultation Paper on Modifications in Power Market Design: Evening Market, 15 minute Bidding time block and Ancillary market on Power Exchange
Draft Amendment to Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Fees and charges of Regional Load Despatch Centre and other related matters) Regulations, 2009 (Last Date:-31-12-2010)
Validation of the Escalation Factors and other Parameters notified vide CERC Notification No. Eco 1/2010-CERC dated 31.3.2010 for a period of two months beyond 30.9.2010 - Extension of time
Training on Software for allocation of Transmission Charges and Losses in CERC on 21& 22nd Oct, 2010.
Analysis of the Comments Received from Stakeholders on the Proposed Methodology for Calculating Escalation Rates
Reviewing the Computation Methodology for Escalation Rate.
Guidelines for scrutiny and approval of commissioning schedule of the hydro-electric projects of a developer, no being a State controlled or owned company (Last date:- 30-11-2010)
Proposed Modification in the Methodology for Calculating Escalation Indices for Use in Tariff Based Competitive Bidding (Last Date Extended Upto: 08-11-2010)
Draft Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Standards of Performance of inter-state transmission licensees) Regulations, 2010.(Last Date Extended Upto: 29-10-2010)
Developing Benchmarks of Capital Cost – Model for Benchmarking Capital Cost of Thermal Power Stations. (Last Date Extended Upto: 29-10-2010)
Inviting comments/suggestions/objections on "Determination of generic levellised generation tariff for renewable energy sources, applicable during FY 2011-12"(Last Date:-10-10-2010)
Inviting comments/suggestions/objections on “Draft Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Tariff) Regulations, 2009” (Last Date Extended Upto:-10-10-2010)
Inviting comments/suggestions/objections on “Draft Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for recognition and issuance of Renewable Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy Generation) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2010” (Last Date:-17-09-2010)
1. Public Notice

2. Draft Notification

3. Explanatory Memorandum
Clarification - To the Economic Times
Minutes of Central Advisory Committee meeting of CERC held on 16-06-2010.
Inviting comments/suggestions/objections on “Consultation paper on Modifications in Power Market Design: Evening Market, 15 Minute bidding time block, Ancillary Market on Power Exchange” (Last date:03-09-2010)
1. Public Notice
2. Consultation Paper
Inviting comments on "Determination of Fee and Charges under REC Regulations 2010". (Last date:31-08-2010)

Draft Amendment to CERC Regulations (Appointment of Consultants) (Amendment), Regulations, 2010. (Last Date Extended upto:- 05-08-2010)

  1. Public Notice
  2. Notification

Draft Amendment to CERC (Payment of Fees) Regulations, 2008. (Last Date:-20-07-2010)

  1. Public Notice
  2. Notification
  3. Explanatory Memorandum

Draft Regulation Central Electricity Regulatory Commission ( Regulation of Power Supply ) Regulations, 2010 (Last Date:- 25-06-2010)

  1. Public Notice
  2. Draft Regulation
  3. Explanatory Memorandum
Draft guidelines for determination of Tariff for procurement of power from Roof top PV and other Small Solar power projects having capacity less than 1 MW (Last Date:- 24-06-2010)
  1. Public Notice
  2. Notification
  3. Explanatory Memorandum
Agenda Papers for CAC Meeting on 16-06-2010
Draft Regulations on Amendment of the CERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long Term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters) (Amendment) Regulations, 2010. (Last Date:- 10-06-2010)
  1. Public Notice
  2. Regulations
  3. Explanatory Memorandum
Draft Amendment to CERC (Payment of Fees) Regulations, 2008.
  1. Public Notice
  2. Notification
  3. Explanatory Memorandum
Draft Amendment to CERC (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for grant of trading licence and other related matters) Regulations, 2009. (Last Date: 05-05-2010)
1. Notification
2. Statment of Reasons
Guidelines for vetting of Capital Cost of Hydro Electric Projects. (Date Extended upto:- 30-04-2010)
Draft Amendment to CERC (Unscheduled Interchange Charges & other related matters) Regulations, 2009. (Last date:- 22-04-2010)
1. Public Notice
2. Draft Notification
3. Explanatory Memorandum
FOR workshop on REC framework - Implementation issue dated 19-03-2010. Draft Procedure/Model Guidelines for REC Implementation
  1. Model Procedure/Guidelines for accreditation for RE Project
  2. Draft procedure for registration of eligible entities
  3. Draft Procedure for Issuance of RECs
  4. Draft Procedure for redemption
  1. Renewable Energy Certificate Mechanism in India - Secretary, CERC
  2. Procedures for implementation of REC mechanism - NLDC
  3. Software/ Web Application for REC Framework - CRISIL
Draft Regulation on Sharing of inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses. (Date Extended upto:- 19-03-2010)
1. Public Notice (Date Extended upto:-19-03-2010)

2. Public Notice

3. Transmission Regulations
4. Attachment-I
5. Explanatory Memorandum
6. Enclosure to the Explanatory Memorandum
7. Result for 2011-12 and network data
Draft Indian Electricity Grid Code Regulations 2010. (Last Date:- 08-03-2010)
1. Public Notice

2. Regulations

3. Explanatory Memorandum
Substations associated with 400/765 KV Transmission System - capital cost benchmarking. (Last Date Extended upto: 03-03-2010)
  1. Public Notice
  2. Explanatory Memorandum
  3. Model With Background Working.
               3.1. 400/220 KV Model
               3.2. 765 KV Model
               3.3. Series Compensation Model.
Draft Amendment to CERC (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for grant of Transmission Licence & other related matters) Regulations, 2009. (Last Date: 01-03-2010)
  1. Public Notice
  2. Draft Notification
  3. Explanatory Memorandum
Draft Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Regulatory Approval for Capital Investment to CTU for execution of Inter-State Transmission Scheme) Regulations, 2010. (Last Date: 25-02-2010)
  1. Public Notice
  2. Draft Notification
Draft Regulation on Power System Development Fund
  1. Public Notice
  2. Draft Notification
  3. Explanatory Memorandum
Draft Amendment to Unscheduled Interchange Charges Regulations, 2009 (Last Date: 20-02-2010)
  1. Public Notice
  2. Draft Notification
  3. Explanatory Memorandum
CERC (Terms & Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sources) (First Amendment), Regulations, 2010 (Last Date : 09-02-2010)
1. Draft Notification
2. Public Hearing
Determination of Benchmark Capital Cost Norm for Solar PV power projects commissioned during FY 2010-11 and Benchmark Capital Cost Norm and generic tariff for Solar thermal power projects commissioned during FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12. (Last Date : 09-02-2010)
1. Public Hearing
400/765 KV Transmission line capital cost benchmarking. (Last Date Extended upto: 09-02-2010)
1. Public Notice
2. Explanatory Memorandum
3. Model With Background Working