Consultation Paper on Framework for
intervention in short term market dated 06-01-2010 |
Consultation Paper on Modifications in Power Market Design: Evening Market, 15 minute Bidding time block and Ancillary market on Power Exchange |
Draft Amendment to Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Fees and charges of Regional Load Despatch Centre and other related matters) Regulations, 2009 (Last Date:-31-12-2010)
Validation of the Escalation Factors and other Parameters notified vide CERC Notification No. Eco 1/2010-CERC dated 31.3.2010 for a period of two months beyond 30.9.2010 - Extension of time |
Training on Software for allocation of Transmission Charges and Losses in CERC on 21& 22nd Oct, 2010. |
Analysis of the Comments Received from Stakeholders on the Proposed Methodology for Calculating Escalation Rates |
Reviewing the Computation Methodology for Escalation Rate. |
Guidelines for scrutiny and approval of commissioning schedule of the hydro-electric projects of a developer, no being a State controlled or owned company (Last date:- 30-11-2010)
Proposed Modification in the Methodology for Calculating Escalation Indices for Use in Tariff Based Competitive Bidding (Last Date Extended Upto: 08-11-2010)
Draft Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Standards of Performance of inter-state transmission licensees) Regulations, 2010.(Last Date Extended Upto: 29-10-2010)
Developing Benchmarks of Capital Cost – Model for Benchmarking Capital Cost of Thermal Power Stations. (Last Date Extended Upto: 29-10-2010)
Inviting comments/suggestions/objections on "Determination of generic levellised generation tariff for renewable energy sources, applicable during FY 2011-12"(Last Date:-10-10-2010)
Inviting comments/suggestions/objections on “Draft Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Tariff) Regulations, 2009” (Last Date Extended Upto:-10-10-2010)
Inviting comments/suggestions/objections on “Draft Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for recognition and issuance of Renewable Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy Generation) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2010” (Last Date:-17-09-2010)
1. Public Notice
2. Draft Notification
3. Explanatory Memorandum |
Clarification - To the Economic Times |
Minutes of Central Advisory Committee meeting of CERC held on 16-06-2010. |
Inviting comments/suggestions/objections on “Consultation paper on Modifications in Power Market Design: Evening Market, 15 Minute bidding time block, Ancillary Market on Power Exchange” (Last date:03-09-2010)
1. Public Notice
2. Consultation Paper |
Inviting comments on "Determination of Fee and Charges under REC Regulations 2010". (Last date:31-08-2010) |
Draft Amendment to CERC Regulations (Appointment of Consultants) (Amendment), Regulations, 2010. (Last Date Extended upto:- 05-08-2010)
- Public Notice
- Notification
Draft Amendment to CERC (Payment of Fees) Regulations, 2008. (Last Date:-20-07-2010)
- Public Notice
- Notification
- Explanatory Memorandum
Draft Regulation Central Electricity Regulatory Commission ( Regulation of Power Supply ) Regulations, 2010 (Last Date:- 25-06-2010)
- Public Notice
- Draft Regulation
- Explanatory Memorandum
Draft guidelines for determination of Tariff for procurement of power from Roof top PV and other Small Solar power projects having capacity less than 1 MW (Last Date:- 24-06-2010)
- Public Notice
- Notification
- Explanatory Memorandum
Agenda Papers for CAC Meeting on 16-06-2010 |
Draft Regulations on Amendment of the CERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long Term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters) (Amendment) Regulations, 2010. (Last Date:- 10-06-2010)
- Public Notice
- Regulations
- Explanatory Memorandum
Draft Amendment to CERC (Payment of Fees) Regulations, 2008.
- Public Notice
- Notification
- Explanatory Memorandum
Draft Amendment to CERC (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for grant of trading licence and other related matters) Regulations, 2009. (Last Date: 05-05-2010)
1. Notification
2. Statment of Reasons |
Guidelines for vetting of Capital Cost of Hydro Electric Projects. (Date Extended upto:- 30-04-2010)
Draft Amendment to CERC (Unscheduled Interchange Charges & other related matters) Regulations, 2009. (Last date:- 22-04-2010)
1. Public Notice
2. Draft Notification
3. Explanatory Memorandum |
FOR workshop on REC framework - Implementation issue dated 19-03-2010.
Draft Procedure/Model Guidelines for REC Implementation
- Model Procedure/Guidelines for accreditation for RE Project
- Draft procedure for registration of eligible entities
- Draft Procedure for Issuance of RECs
- Draft Procedure for redemption
- Renewable Energy Certificate Mechanism in India - Secretary, CERC
- Procedures for implementation of REC mechanism - NLDC
- Software/ Web Application for REC Framework - CRISIL
Draft Regulation on Sharing of inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses. (Date Extended upto:- 19-03-2010)
1. Public Notice (Date Extended upto:-19-03-2010)
2. Public Notice
3. Transmission Regulations
4. Attachment-I
5. Explanatory Memorandum
6. Enclosure to the Explanatory Memorandum
7. Result for 2011-12 and network data |
Draft Indian Electricity Grid Code Regulations 2010. (Last Date:- 08-03-2010)
1. Public Notice
2. Regulations
3. Explanatory Memorandum |
Substations associated with 400/765 KV Transmission System - capital cost benchmarking. (Last Date Extended upto: 03-03-2010)
- Public Notice
- Explanatory Memorandum
- Model With Background Working.
3.1. 400/220 KV Model
3.2. 765 KV Model
3.3. Series Compensation Model.
Draft Amendment to CERC (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for grant of Transmission Licence & other related matters) Regulations, 2009. (Last Date: 01-03-2010)
- Public Notice
- Draft Notification
- Explanatory Memorandum
Draft Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Regulatory Approval for Capital Investment to CTU for execution of Inter-State Transmission Scheme) Regulations, 2010. (Last Date: 25-02-2010)
- Public Notice
- Draft Notification
Draft Regulation on Power System Development Fund
- Public Notice
- Draft Notification
- Explanatory Memorandum
Draft Amendment to Unscheduled Interchange Charges Regulations, 2009 (Last Date: 20-02-2010)
- Public Notice
- Draft Notification
- Explanatory Memorandum
CERC (Terms & Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sources) (First Amendment), Regulations, 2010 (Last Date : 09-02-2010)
1. Draft Notification
2. Public Hearing |
Determination of Benchmark Capital Cost Norm for Solar PV power projects commissioned during FY 2010-11 and Benchmark Capital Cost Norm and generic tariff for Solar thermal power projects commissioned during FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12. (Last Date : 09-02-2010)
1. Public Hearing |
400/765 KV Transmission line capital cost benchmarking. (Last Date Extended upto: 09-02-2010)
1. Public Notice
2. Explanatory Memorandum
3. Model With Background Working |